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14 Irish celebrities RTÉ needs to consider for Dancing With The Stars

Your mileage for ‘celebrity’ may vary.

IN AUGUST, RTÉ revealed that an Irish version of Strictly Come Dancing (renamed Dancing With The Stars) was in the pipeline for early 2017.

strictly Source: BBC

Yesterday, the Irish Independent reported that Anne Doyle was in talks to appear on the show, and while she would be an excellent contestant, we can’t help but wonder who should join her.

Here are our choices. RTÉ, pick up the phone.

1. The mam from Crystal Swing

736270_315275251917240_83572162_o Source: Facebook/Crystal Swing

She would be a surprise gas ticket and would come out of the competition with the nation on her side and a spread in the Irish Independent’s Life Magazine. BOOK HER.

2. Mondo from Fair City

00081723-720 Source: RTÉ

A Fair City actor is a given, so why not let Mondo sashay back into our hearts?

3. Leo from Fair City

00031862-720 Source: RTÉ

Let’s get a bit of a rivalry going!

4. At least one RTÉ reporter brought in from the newsroom


Teresa Mannion would do it in a heartbeat, but what about someone like Paschal Sheehy? Or Philip Bromwell?

5. Dana

4/10/2011 Presidential Elections Campaigns Source: Sasko Lazarov/RollingNews.ie

She’d murder the waltz.

6. Paul from Fade Street

Source: Dob Reer/YouTube

For this service to Irish television alone, he deserves to be on this programme.

7. Omero Mumba

Samantha Mumba’s little brother and sometime actor/singer. He’s 27 now and a bit of a ride, which is always welcome in a competition like this.

8. Alan Shatter

alan shatter Source: TheJournal.ie

We’d be surprised if he hasn’t already pleaded his case to the production team.

9. The Man Who Slipped On The Ice

Source: greannmhar3/YouTube


10. John Creedon

john creedon Source: RTÉ

I will personally riot if John Creedon is not chosen for this programme.

11. Margo

young-and-old-same-differen Source: margoodonnell.com

Sister of Daniel O’Donnell, best Irish singer known only by her first name after Enya. She’ll know a thing or two about dancing, we suspect.

12. The Happy Pear(s)

One, both, the two competing against each other, the two competing as partners, all is acceptable.

13. Simon Casey

11295586_840268636010194_4174077034398936750_n Source: Facebook/Simon Casey Music

The real winner of You’re A Star 2003 (according to some). Ireland is ready for him now.

14. Anyone from Six

SIX POP STARS METEOR MUSIC AWARDS 2003 Source: Graham Hughes/RollingNews.ie

Well, maybe not Emma O’Driscoll, who currently works for RTÉ. That’s too easy. But what about Sarah? Or Sinéad? Bring them out!

Producers of Dancing With The Stars: We believe we’ve given you enough material to go on. Do us proud.

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